The following is one peek into a past life-altering event where the details aren't necessary, but the point is. I hope you'll be strengthened with this glimpse of His grace!
I was trying to survive, to hang on until the storm was silenced. The weight was feeling unbearable. The lack of sleep, the worry, being on guard, carrying the load alone, never seeing an end, giving answer to the many outsiders. How could I keep going on like this? That's when the bottom fell out. My world shattered. The unthinkable was my reality. My grappling for hope, for the confusion to end, for the darkness to lift was dizzying. Nothing made sense. My lens of perspective was cracked and askew, threatening to throw me off course. I was caught in a hurricane, hunched over with grief, whipped raw with the pain and the unknown. And alone. Lifting my face, the wind ripping the tears from my face I cried out the only thing I could muster: "Daddy."
Instantaneously His shield bubbled me into His safety as if enclosing me in a Plexiglas dome. I still saw the storm, but the deafening noise had left my ears. The panic fled from my heart. The moment was all the perspective I needed. I was not alone. My Daddy sang His grace over me. He silenced my storm. He built up my faith in intimacy. The "With-Me" God heard my cry and He answered. And I've never been the same.
There's no need to have a "big event" take place in our lives to find God's grace hovering over us. He's waiting for us to cry to Him each day. There's no where else to turn. Once we've experienced Him, why would we look anywhere else?
***I'm looking for others willing to share a glimpse of grace from their lives. If you'd like to share, please email me!