All this (beautiful) white arriving in our Southern world means the world shut down for a week. The Northerners roll their eyes. The Westerners wonder how we've gone soft. It is what it is! We can't do a thing about it! While I do enjoy me a good snow, cabin fever is no one's friend! Our family underwent a terrible case of cabin fever last week. Look what it did to us.
// sliding down pillows to land on our heads was brilliant //
// throwing snowballs at his wife through the window was hilarious //
// playing matchmaker in the sock drawer was super fun //
// netflix and pinterest were valuable ways to spend our time //
// Thor was... well... never mind //
We did enjoy being together at home, playing games, reading and relaxing a little more than usual. But we are mighty glad the sun decided to reappear and bring our normal routines back again. It's safe to say we've all recovered from the plague of cabin fever! And we've become even more thankful for our Southern living and the constant changes that brings!
How are the days looking in your part of the world?