We didn't notice the blue of the sky looking different on those days. We just enjoyed the brilliant and beautiful, crisp and (surprisingly) clean (for Denver!) canopy overhead as we spent a few days chasing memories and engaging with loved ones.
I was reminded how those moments we engage in, the picking up of life if you will, are the moments of beauty swelling us with joy.
Even in the sorrow of life's rolling landscape, being careful to pick up the beauty ensures we embrace His hope. With heart wide open His hope always finds a home.
My hours were spent discovering more strands of grace lining my heritage, imagining the old stories unfold through Grandpa's telling, watching Grandma use her practiced (though slowed) hands in the kitchen still. My heart realized again how the quiet changing of the skies through the seasons of one's life is really the movement of grace hovering overhead.

And this, the season of life where I am surrounded by crazy beauty, wild growth, and heart wrenching love. Smackers of adoration, freedom of silliness, scarce moments of sibling peace! Fighting to keep from getting lost in the sometimes chaos, my heart scrambles to embrace. Embrace this beauty under the canopy of quietly changing skies.
I don't always notice the changing of the hues, but the beauty of Christ reflected all around this life still captivates me, quiets me, fills me. His hope breathes new life under His canopy of grace.