Slow to wake on our final Saturday home for a few months, I listened to the rain slapping against the leaves outside my window. Sitting up to peek my head around the curtain, I observed the wet day outside.
Doesn't the rain sometimes feel inconveniencing, a doom-er of well laid plans, a steal-joy to sunny opportunity? Standing in the kitchen preparing Shaun's morning coffee, a nearby bird caught me off guard with his singing. In weather like this? I set the pot down to peer out the window, hoping to glimpse his happy moment. By the sounds of him, the bird was oblivious to the wet circumstances he found himself in. After a few moments of looking and not finding, I went back to the task of and thoughts. If the God who tips the water jars of heaven has a plan for all He does, then whether I face hardship or comfort, inconvenience or smooth-sailing, loss or abundance, He calls me to trust Him. In trusting, then praising. If praising, then flowing with joy. The bird's faithful singing in the rain that morning turned my attention to God's glory. May our lives have the same effect on those around us.