Searching for sunshine and a big dose of quiet, I grabbed my camera and stepped outside. I was thirsting for revival of body, mind and spirit. The lense discovered the in between of now. Winter slowly slipping away and spring quietly waking.
The stroll helped to refresh a little, but it didn't quench my thirst. I knew the fix, but I gave in to the weariness nagging me instead, feeling like the other would require too much. I sat feeling numb. I flipped through the images on my camera and discovered the beauty of the in between. Journeys begun, yet not quite realized. Nature still becoming.
God whispered His grace to me in that moment, assuring me of His love in the midst of my own journey, of my own becoming. Slow as it may seem at times. When I felt it was too much to go to Him, He came to me.
Again I find Jesus to be the only quench to my thirst, the treasure in my moments of in between.